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The School of English 2019/20 reading series

1 Oct 2019

The School of English 2019/20 reading series kicks off this year with a reading by poets Zoe Brigley and Martin Dyar, introduced by poet/lecturer Leanne O'Sullivan. 


As part of Community Week the reading will be held off campus at the Central Library, Grand Parade, on Tuesday, October 8, @7pm.


Admission is free and all are welcome.  No booking necessary


Zoë Brigley is a Welsh poet, the author of three volumes: Hand & Skull (2019), Conquest (2012), and The Secret (2007), all published by Bloodaxe. She also has a collection of nonfiction essays, Notes from a Swing State (Parthian 2019). She is currently editing the Bloomsbury Guide to Poetry in the UK and Ireland



Martin Dyar was born in Sligo and grew up in Swinford Mayo. His debut poetry collection Maiden Names (Arlen House) was shortlisted for both the Pigott Poetry Prize and the Shine/Strong Award in 2014. He won the Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award in 2009, the Raftery Award in 2006, and the Strokestown International Poetry Award in 2001.



Other readers upcoming in the series

John Banville and Billy O’Callaghan (November 5), 

Danny Denton and Sara Maitland (November 26)

Colum McCann (January 28, 2020)

English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
