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Once Off Payments

Once Off Payments


1. This Policy outlines the procedures for payment of staff who will be paid for a once off Visit/Lecture/Workshop/Open Day. The procedures have been developed to comply with legislation and salary controls and procedures. For payment to the category of a Visiting Lecturer who delivers a maximum of two lectures per academic year, payment is made under the Finance Office Policy on Visiting Lecturers and other Payments (please see ).


2. This Policy applies to once off payments made to hourly occasional staff. The categories of staff included are Tutor/Demonstrator, hourly occasional Assistant Lecturer, hourly occasional Evening Lecturer, Visiting/Guest Lecturer, hourly occasional Supervisors and Student Help. The University has established pay rates for each of these categories of staff (please see These pay rates are adjusted as per the relevant National Wage Increases and are the only established rates to be used when paying the categories of staff listed above.

3. For payment to the category of a Visiting Lecturer who delivers a maximum of two lectures per academic year, payment is made under the Finance Office Policy on Visiting Lecturers and other Payments (please see ).


4. Categories of hourly occasional staff are listed and defined in Appendix 1 attached. Only once-off payments are to be processed under this Policy. Separate policies are available governing the recruitment of Hourly Occasional Staff and Student Help .

5. This procedure involves the hiring School/Department and the Payroll Office.

6. All documentation must be completed to ensure that the University’s statutory obligations are met and to allow payment to be made in a timely and proper manner.

7. Non compliance with documentation requirements or payment deadlines by employing schools/departments will result in the individual employee not receiving the correct payments due. If corrected documentation is received beyond the payroll deadline date, employees will have to await the following month’s payroll run for any payment corrections.

8. Under the Working Time Act 1997, and in compliance with other employment legislation, the number of hours which the employee will be expected to work must be identified.

9. Copies of all relevant documentation MUST be kept by the hiring school/department and will be audited on an ongoing basis by the University’s Internal Auditor and the Department of Human Resources.

10. Employing departments will be circulated with updated pay scales as increases occur or are available at anytime from the Human Resource website 

11. Membership of the Group Personal Accident Scheme shall apply to all employees, subject to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the insurance policy. The salary quoted is subject to a deduction from salary at the rate of .06 of 1%. Signature of the Once-Off Payment Authorisation Form (Form OPAF) authorises deduction of same. Please see

12. Annual Leave entitlement of 8% is applicable to hourly occasional staff. Unused annual leave entitlement will be paid on termination of the contract and should be calculated on 8% of total earnings with a school/department.


13. Hiring departments will complete a Once-Off Payment Authorisation Form (Form OPAF) for any once off payment which requires processing. This can be done at the beginning of the month for which payment is due.

14. This form (OPAF) is the only authorisation to Payroll that payment of the listed staff has been sanctioned by the Head of School/Department. All details in this form must be completed in full and returned to payroll before the 15th of the month in which you want the payment to be made.

15. Non completion of the Once-Off Payment Authorisation Form will result in the payment not being processed.

16. A Once-Off Payment Authorisation Form must be completed on commencement for each staff member by the employing school/department. The Head of School/Department or his/her designate must sign this form. The employee must sign the form. A copy of the form must be sent to payroll and is the only document required to process payment. The original contract must be kept by the employee and a copy kept at School/Departmental level for at least ten years. All details must be completed on this form.

17. For payment to the category of a Visiting Lecturer who delivers a maximum of 2 lectures per academic year, payment is made by application to the Accounts Section of the Finance Office under the Finance Policy on Visiting Lecturers and other Payments (please see ).

DOCUMENTATION: Once off Payment Authorisation Form

CONTACT: Department of Human Resources and Organisational Development, University College Cork, Block E, Food Science Building, U.C.C. Tel. 4903621.

Human Resources

Acmhainní Daonna

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
