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Prof Caitriona O'Driscoll Among Leaders of New Medical Humanities Network at UCC

7 Mar 2024

A new initiative at UCC aims to establish a Medical Humanities Network, named COMHRÁ - (Cork Medical Humanities Research and Teaching Alliance) to explore the intersection of medicine and the humanities.

Prof Caitriona O'Driscoll, Professor and Chair of Pharmaceutics in the School of Pharmacy, is among the key figures involved in this exciting development.

COMHRÁ aims to facilitate collaboration and resource sharing across diverse departments to enhance research and teaching within the growing field of medical humanities.

Following an initial meeting held on 22 January 2024, and attended by representatives from diverse areas like Public Health, Pharmacy, and Humanities, the network will host an interdisciplinary event before summer to formally launch and explore future directions.

You can find more information about the COMHRÁ initiative, including details about the January 22nd meeting, here: Medical Humanities report

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
